Plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery
Dr Nikola
In every procedure, we strive not only to improve the physical appearance, but also to revive inner beauty and self-confidence, and the reconstruction brings not only physical healing, but also emotional renewal. Giving patients a fresh start is the most important aspect of my job.

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Doctor Nikola Baroš
Specialist in plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery
The head of the Clinic for Plastic Reconstructive Surgery and Burns at the Banja Luka University Clinical Center, Dr. Nikola Baroš, represents an expert in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery with enviable experience and dedication to patients. With a position in one of the most respected medical centers in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr. Baroš contributes to improving the quality of life of patients through the most modern surgical approaches. His experience encompasses a wide range of aesthetic and reconstructive procedures, which has led him to the position of National Secretary of ISAPS for Bosnia and Herzegovina. As the head of the Clinic for Plastic Reconstructive Surgery and Burns, Doctor Baroš leads a team of experts who are dedicated to providing the best possible care and treatment to patients.
Jelena, Banja Luka
I have been more than excited and happy since I had this surgery. I am a completely different person. No one who I know has noticed that I have different breasts.
Goran, Bijeljina
My stomach is completely different and I can't help but remember how embarrassed I was of myself when I looked myself in the mirror. I came to you on a recommendation, and everything you did exceeded my expectations.
The Ukmar Family, Slovenia
Dear doctor, thank you for your sacrifice and impeccable care for us. Your wonderful staff and you did everything to make our difficult days in the hospital after the accident easier.

Doctor Nikola Baroš
In 2005, he worked as a secondary doctor at the clinic for plastic-reconstructive surgery and burns at the University of Applied Sciences Banja Luka, where he worked as a resident from 2007 to February 2010, when he went to the European Oncology Institute in Milan for training. After Milan, since February 2012 he had done training at the VMA Belgrade. Since 2015, he has been the head of the clinic in Banja Luka. He is also an Assistant at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Banja Luka. Since 2024, the National Secretary of ISAPS for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Head of the Clinic for Plastic Reconstructive Surgery and Burns, Clinic for Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, University Clinical Center Banja Luka, RS, BiH

Dr Nikola Baroš
Specialist in plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery
Years of experience
3500 +
Successful surgeries
40 +
30 +
Scientific works
Read stories about the latest achievements and news from the world of plastic reconstructive and aesthetic surgery.

Dr Baroš: Sve više ljudi se podvrgava ESTETSKIM ZAHVATIMA, drago mi je kad nekog učinim srećnim
Dr Baroš: Sve više ljudi se podvrgava ESTETSKIM ZAHVATIMA, drago mi je kad nekog učinim srećnim U porastu je...
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Nikola Baroš: Vodeći stručnjak u plastičnoj i estetskoj hirurgiji
Nikola Baroš: Vodeći stručnjak u plastičnoj i estetskoj hirurgiji Doktor je nedavno dao intervju za magazine BeautiFUL. Intervju prenosimo u...
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Aesthetic surgery is still number one in antiaging
Aesthetic surgery is still number one in anti-aging. Dr. Nikola Baroš recently gave an interview to the magazine...
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Read the descriptions of the surgical procedures that Dr. Nikola Baroš performs at the Medical Group Hospital and get to know everything you need to know about the surgery you want to perform in the best possible way.
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Aesthetic corrections of the nose are aesthetic operations by which we correct the tip of the nose, the nasal hump, the width, the base of the nose itself, leading to a better aesthetic result. But, they are very often connected with deviation. Correction of deviation of the septum, that is, the nasal septum, which is a functional operation, is very often performed during an aesthetic intervention. We take a central part of the cartilage of the nose, in order to model the tip of the nose, make a different shape of the nose itself, and with that we also perform a functional operation and remove that nasal septum, which often tends to be moved to the left or right.
So, it is possible to do functional nose correction along with aesthetic nose correction.
Breasts are an individual thing for each patient, and in order to decide on the type of implant, we need to do a detailed examination. If you do not have a noticeable amount of glandular tissue in the lower half of the breast, of course we will always apply anatomical implants because we need them to create a practically new breast shape. For interventions where we need to do enlargement, and we have naturally properly shaped breasts, in that case, we need to enlarge the existing breasts, and that is why we mostly use round implants. However, each patient is individual and each breast surgery is special, and the size of the implant, the shape of the implant, and the type are determined together in consultation with the patient. And that is the job of a plastic surgeon, to find a balance between what suits the patient herself and what we would recommend. Communication with the patient herself, what the patient's wishes really are, also means a lot.
There are different forms of implants, whether they are so-called moderate implants, high profile, extra high profile. All these implants have their own characteristics in terms of different projection, but they also have different width and height. Before each operation, the plastic surgeon measures in detail the width of the chest, what is the recommended base of the implant. Also, the so-called PINCH TEST thickness of the tissue itself is specially measured if we use implants that are high projection or extra high projection. Then we emphasize the central part of the glandular tissue. In some cases, when we have patients who are very tall, they have a narrow chest, and we have to balance that the implant does not fit the same patient with a shorter build, who has a wider chest structure. Then we balance especially with the height and width of the implant. In general, we can decide on a specific implant only after the examination, and that is the most important, but very important, not only the recommendation of the plastic surgeon, but also the wishes of the patient herself, which we should always try to satisfy, but to a certain extent.
Of course you can. When breast augmentation is performed, the dual plane technique is most often performed. This is the position of the implant, the upper part under the pectoral muscle, the lower part under the glandular tissue, and breast enlargement operations, they absolutely do not touch the glandular tissue of the breast and it is possible, of course, to breastfeed afterwards and breastfeeding will not affect the implant itself at all.
Very often, patients receive information that it is necessary to enlarge the breasts, but also to lift the breasts. After the process of breastfeeding, after losing more body mass, breast ptosis occurs. Ptosis of the breast in translation means - drooping breasts. Sometimes we are not able to enlarge only the breasts, because if the glandular tissue is hypertrophic, i.e. there has been additional ptosis or drooping of the breasts, it is necessary to raise the areola or nipple even further to that position so that it is approximately somewhere in the middle of the upper arm, and that is that the so-called mastopexy or breast lift method.
In plastic surgery, when we talk about breasts, the association is always breast enlargement, but a big problem for female patients is the hypertrophy of the glandular tissue. Enlarged breasts can create a big physical problem because it puts a strain on the spine and generally represents a big aesthetic problem.
Breast reduction can be done at the age immediately after puberty when the process of growth of secondary sexual characteristics of a woman is completely finished and when there are indications for it. Of course, there are also certain breast hypertrophies that require additional monitoring, ultrasound and the like, but the basic indication is discomfort experienced by the patient herself. My recommendations are that breast reduction should be done in cases where there is an indication, you should not rush it, but if you have any of the physical problems I mentioned, there is, of course, an indication for surgery.
Everything depends on the patient themselves. Do you have enough fat or not? BBL is a method of liposuction and fat filtration and buttock enlargement using the lipotransfer method. If you have a person who does not have a sufficient amount of adipose tissue and we do not have a place to take the fat through liposuction, of course the indication is the placement of implants. I would always, first of all, recommend that BBL is done in the first place, because it is your own fat, a tissue that does not affect any allergic reactions potentially, and that it is a procedure that is far better both for recovery and for the future condition of the patient after the surgery.
Recovery after a Brazilian butt lift or BBL lasts about 40 days, more precisely, it is the recovery to fully return to fitness and the gym, any physical activities. The recommendation for some normal work activities is after a few days. There is no lying on the back, one must lie on the stomach or on the sides. You cannot fully relax in a chair. You always lean on your upper legs in those first days after surgery. And the recommendations are to wear one elastic corset that frees the buttocks, and this corset is recommended to be worn for about 40 days.
It is a wrong thinking sometimes when people say, we put Botox in a certain place and it blocks and tightens the skin. In fact, the skin is not tightened when we give the Botox, the Botox is not the one that tightens the skin, but the Botox blocks certain muscles so that other muscles take over the activity and tighten the skin. When Botox, or that neurotoxin, is injected, great care must be taken to ensure the adequate injection of Botox, especially in certain places, in order for the effect to be good. If we put Botox in certain places that are not adequate, we can create a problem for the next 6 to 9 months, because we will block certain muscles and cause eyelid ptosis or drooping of the eyelid.
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