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Aesthetic surgery is still number one in antiaging

Dr. Nikola Baroš recently gave an interview for the magazine Pre sveva Zdravlje, which we broadcast in full.

Dr Nikola Baroš - plastična hirurgija u BIH je u ekspanziji


Lately, with the increase and accelerated development of non-invasive aesthetic procedures that offer "instant" solutions for various irregularities of the face and body, there has been a lot of debate about this and to what extent it is possible for this principle to replace the surgical one. Our respected interlocutor, Dr. Nikola Baroš, as a widely recognized plastic and aesthetic surgeon, was the right address for a conversation on this topic. Two decades of experience in practice, countless congresses where he improved his skills and satisfied patients made Dr. Baroš a trustworthy person, always open to sharing knowledge and friendly advice. Thus, in the following lines, Dr. Baroš expressed his honest thoughts on current topics, on the status of plastic surgery in modern medicine, the natural look trend, but also the development of artificial intelligence in his profession as one of the burning issues of modern times.

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about non-invasive methods in aesthetic medicine, which are considered to be a substitute for certain procedures that used to be performed surgically. As a specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery - what makes your field irreplaceable?
Today, there is an expansion of anti-aging procedures, and every day, due to an increasingly fast lifestyle, patients want quick changes in their appearance, they do not want long operations, they do not want a long recovery, even if these changes are not as large and satisfactory as they are for large and serious ones. aesthetic procedures. However, regardless of how advanced antiaging medicine is, surgery remains irreplaceable in many spheres. Today, you can do different corrective interventions with fillers, using botox, PRP, with different collagen stimulators, but no anti-aging procedure can be nearly the same as a facelift, a blepharoplasty or a rhinoplasty. According to the statistics of the International Association of Aesthetic Surgeons, procedures like these are on the rise, as are other aesthetic procedures, especially facial corrections.

A shorter recovery period is mentioned as one of the most frequently mentioned advantages of non-invasive methods compared to surgical procedures. Is this really so and are there advances in modern surgery that can reduce that period to a minimum?
Postoperative recovery after many surgical procedures is shortened. Today, by applying modern operative methods and techniques that have progressed far in the last 20 years, we have come to speed up and reduce postoperative recovery. For example, the Piezo technique in the rhinoplasty process made it possible to bypass the classic breaking of the nose with a chisel and hammer, and instead a special Piezot ultrasonic device is used, which precisely cuts the structures of the bones of the nose and has a much smaller postoperative recovery. Today, we very often use certain materials in surgical procedures that also promote recovery, for example, resorbable, biodegradable sutures that are not removed and thus facilitate the postoperative course. However, it should be known that recovery after each procedure is individual and depends on both the surgeon and the surgical technique, as well as on the patient himself, and cannot be generalized. But, taking everything into account, postoperative recovery after surgical procedures is no longer so long.

How do you view the modern ideal of face and body beauty and with what wishes do patients most often come to you? In this regard, how is your practice today the most different from the one at the beginning of your career?
It has changed a lot, today women want to look more natural. Returning to the natural appearance as an idea is propagated to a greater extent in modern aesthetic surgery, at major world congresses, where we advocate for a return to the anatomical proportions of the body, for not jumping out of the frame of natural proportions, and for natural proportions of the face, body, width of the chest . I think it's a good direction. Of course, there are always different extremes, but as a plastic surgeon, you are there to advise the patient where the limit is and what realistic expectations are.

To what extent do new technologies affect your business, do you follow trends in the world of plastic and reconstructive surgery and to what extent are experts from our area involved in world trends?
In today's completely open communication of the whole world, it is impossible for a modern doctor who seriously wants to practice this profession not to follow the events in his field. For example, in the field of cosmetic surgery, if you cite a work older than five years, it is considered that you are not up to date with the times and developments. Aesthetic surgery is one of the fastest growing surgeries, which, next to cardiac surgery, is developing and growing the most. If you don't follow the trends, you can't even respond to the modern demands of patients. Social networks offer a lot of useful content, but international conferences and congresses held in different parts of the world represent a unique and best opportunity to exchange knowledge. I recently attended the ISAPS congress in Colombia, which was a great opportunity to exchange ideas and gain new experiences. Also, I am completely sure that all doctors who deal with aesthetic surgery follow the application of new implantation materials and techniques, as well as instruments for work.

Could you single out a type of intervention from your practice that you are particularly proud of?
Reconstructive breast surgery, which I have been doing for the last 14 years, as well as aesthetic breast surgery, are part of my practice that I am very proud of. Also, lately there are more and more nose correction procedures using the modern Piezo method. Today, it is popular to perform several procedures in one act, the Mommy makeover procedure is increasingly being requested, which includes breast lifting and enlargement, tummy tuck, blepharoplasty and the like.

When we talk about aesthetic corrections on the face and body, it seems that they are still a taboo topic in our area. What is your position on this, why is it so and how do you advise patients who are hesitating whether to change something on their body?
In fact, I am convinced that aesthetic corrections on the face and body are no longer a taboo topic and that patients are free to come forward today, they are completely open to communication, either through social networks or directly at consultations. They are very well informed about procedures. I think that every patient deserves to be fully informed about what can be done and what possibilities lie ahead. I always advise patients to consult several addresses, not to be a single plastic surgeon, but to give trust to those who leave the strongest impression on them and to those who instill confidence in them.

We are living in the era of artificial intelligence, which has slowly begun to "steal" work from many professions. To what extent is it present in your work and how do you imagine the near future of surgery from that point of view?
Artificial intelligence is increasingly present today, but surgery, especially aesthetic surgery, is a manual skill. You can get information about a procedure from artificial intelligence, maybe sometimes better and in more detail than from a doctor, but in the work process itself, artificial intelligence cannot replace a surgeon. Artificial intelligence, but also the application of various applications and filters can be quite dangerous, because by applying them you can get photos that are unrealistic, and some use them for their own promotion. This blinds the patient and then unrealistic expectations arise. This can endanger our profession. Before making any decision, the patient should consult his doctor and not pay too much attention to the photos he finds on the Internet.

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