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Breast enlargement

Breast enlargement (Augmentation Mammoplasty)

Breast augmentation involves the use of implants or fat transfer for breast augmentation. This procedure can also restore breast volume lost after weight loss or pregnancy, achieve a rounder breast shape, or improve natural breast asymmetry.

Who is a candidate for breast augmentation?

You can be a candidate for breast augmentation if:

  • You are physically healthy and not pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • You have realistic expectations.
  • Your breasts are fully developed.
  • You are bothered by the feeling that your breasts are too small.
  • You are dissatisfied with the loss of shape and volume in your breasts after pregnancy, weight loss, or aging.
  • You are dissatisfied with the "empty" appearance of the upper part of your breasts.
  • Your breasts are asymmetric.
  • One or both breasts did not develop normally or have an elongated shape.

Preparation and operation procedure

Breast augmentation with implants is performed under general anesthesia, the operation lasts about 2 hours, the whole process is completed within 24 hours.

Before arriving at the hospital, it is necessary to have a breast ultrasound, which is also possible at the Medical Group Hospital.

The procedure is simple, you come to the hospital in the morning, you must not eat or drink anything in the morning. In the hospital, all findings, urine, laboratory and biochemical analyses, EKG, and examination by the anesthesiologist are performed. After that, we plan the operation, take photos, and determine the size of the implant.

After the operation, you stay in the hospital, and the next day s you are discharged home.

The post-discharge check-up comes after a few days. The stitches are not removed, they are resorptive.


Avoid work-related activities for a few days, avoid fitness and gym for 40 days, an elastic bra is worn for 40 days postoperatively.

Also, no lifting heavier than 3kg for 40 days.

How safe are implants? Is it possible to breastfeed after breast augmentation?

The approach Dr. Baroš uses most often is an inframammary incision (a small opening 4-5 cm long at the point where the lower half of the breast joins the chest). Other approaches are possible according to the patient's wishes, for example, it can also be through the nipples or from the armpit. The latter is used in patients who have almost completely undeveloped breasts and in whom any other incision would be noticeable. Depending on the implant, a space is formed above or below the pectoral muscle, leaving the mammary gland completely untouched.

The new generation of implants is extremely safe, it is not cancerous, and a woman can, after placing the implant, plan a pregnancy, give birth and breastfeed her child. Dr. Baroš uses only the highest quality implants that are produced today, which have all the necessary registrations both in the EU and in the USA (the companies MENTOR, POLYTECH), and every patient receives complete written documentation and implant registration after the procedure. As the implants are filled with a special cohesive gel, there is no longer any fear of the implant breaking and spilling, and spreading its contents to other parts of the body. Implants are placed either in a pocket under the mammary gland itself or under the pectoral muscle. There is also the possibility of combining these two alternatives (dual plane).

Procedure duration



Total anesthesia

Hospital stay


Return to social activities

After few days

Return to sport activities

After 40 days

Recovery tips

Resting, regular intake of prescribed therapy


A couple of days after discharge


Resorbable, they degrade on their own, so there's no need for removal